Shortening the Distance Between Heart & Brain

Tony Vallance
Hi, I’m Tony Vallance

 Secondary School Teacher, Australian Education Awards Teacher of the Year 2019, Victorian Excellence in Education Awards Finalist 2018, Drumbeat and Mindfulness Facilitator, STEAMWORKS Founder, Leadership team – curriculum development and STEAM, Teacher trainer, Certified Classroom Educator for Positive Discipline.

Sian Chambers Vallance
Hi, I'm Sian Chambers - Vallance

 Clinical play therapist, creative counsellor, consultant and trainer, Parent educator, Yoga and Mindfulness teacher, Brain geek and Play and Creativity Advocate

Our Mission

In a world where change is the only constant, Building Better Brains Australia commits to growing capacity in the careers of our most valuable and vulnerable, our children.

The mission of Building Better Brains Australia is to engage, educate and empower parents, teachers and mental health professionals using evidence based strategies to help build better brains for the generation in our care.

We deliver brain wise, trauma smart approaches to teaching and learning with a focus on play, creativity and superskills. This is the cornerstone for building resilient, flexible and emotionally intelligent young minds that are capable, confident and creative.

Our workshops are engaging, practical and full of real stories that open up dialogue for long lasting change.